Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A REAL Team Effort

I have to say, when going through the photos from the week end, I found myself wondering " Where would the DriftKid be if it weren't for his Father (Martin Coulson) and his Uncle (Craig Patterson).."  And truthfully, the answer would be "Not where he is today".. It is not only the Driver that does all the work, the Team behind the scenes with the preparation, repairs and maintenance is what keeps the Team moving forward and taking these podium finishes.  We probably could all skid a car on a track - maybe not like the DriftKid does - but what I think we all forget about is the set up of the car for every individual track which Craig does, the on track breakages that happen all too often and maintenance that needs to be done before and after an event which is taken care of by Martin.  This week end was an expensive one, New Diff, Power Steering Belt and the travelling to get these items off track side and you have to admit - This takes commitment and dedication to the Team and to the Driver.  So for me - Its a hands up to Craig and Martin for keeping the Skyline on track at Wakefield... You are an unbelievable asset to our Team and we would not be where we are today if it weren't for these two Amazingly talented and dedicated  Men...

Team Effort Replacing the Diff in 1 hour

1st Place WINNER