Friday, April 30, 2010

Stadium Drift 2010 Round 2
4th Place at Parklands Gold Coast
With the new RB25 engine rawing in power and sliding with huge angle, the DriftKid placed 1st in qualifications again. I can't tell you the first words he said to the team manager when he did his first lap, but I can tell you he loves the RB25 engines power and it has not even been tuned
to the best ability it has as there is a few small things that still need to be done for it to reach it's peak performance.

When it came down to the top 4, it was the DriftKid battling for 1st and just as he did his first lap, we noticed there was a lag in power/speed. As the judges could not decide who should go thru, they announced a rerun. After the rerun, the judges took forever to announce who was going to the top 2. But unfortunately, DriftKid didn't make it. He then had to battle for 3rd and 4th place and as there are no time outs in stadium Drift, the kid had to battle with the power lag which turned out to be the the inter cooler hose again. 1st run went beautifully, then as the chase car, DriftKids hose popped completely off and he putted around to the end of the track taking out only 4th position. Still not bad for the first time driving his car with such an amazing amount of new power and different control.

DriftKid still is the Leader in the Stadium Drift Premiership and we are sure he will stay there. Next round in May the 23rd is at Wakefield Park.... By this stage, his Skyline should be at peak
performance and the DriftKid should have some more experience under his belt with it. DriftKid will be practising at Full Lock Motorsport track (Archy) not this coming Wednesday, but
Wednesday the 12th...